Electronics & Communication Engineering
Expert Lecture
A Hands-On Session was organized by the Electronics & Communication Engineering Department of SISTec Ratibad on “Internet of Things (IoT)” by Mr. Sudesh Morey (Managing Director – Drmz System Innovations Pvt. Ltd) & his team on 12th March, 2022 for the students of 2nd & 3rd year of Electronics & Communication branch.
Mr. Morey has started the session with basic understanding of Internet of Things (IoT) & its ecosystem. He provided the information, how IoT is currently trending and how it’s going to capture the entire market in future. He delivered knowledge on software and hardware tools required to build devices based on IoT. Practical work done on kit by students created enthusiasm among participants.
By giving some real time examples, Q&A session was nicely explained by expert. Session was informative & interactive for participants as well as faculty members present over there.